Marcos Guzman joined the notMYkid team in June 2023 as a Prevention Specialist. Born in Arizona and brought up in West Phoenix, he believes nothing quite beats the heat like a burning passion to promote positivity and share joy. He is a graduate from Arizona State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication. In previous roles, he has worked for marketing offices, newsrooms, and tech companies, which provided him the perspective of what can be available to young adults who are set on a path for success. He believes every individual can thrive and find happiness as they further develop themselves, and he is continuing to grow as a new member of the notMYKid team. When he is not at work, he’s witnessing stories on the big screen, rapping Fergalicious, hopping on a videogame, or joining a local stage production where he’s contributing to and encouraging community. From his time studying journalism and always involving himself in what’s going on around him, Noah works to bring creative storytelling centerstage and inspire hope in the young communities he works with.